F.I.S.H.I.N.G: A documentary about fishermen about fishing.
One million Dutchmen play football, two million go fishing. “VISSEN” is about fishing and about what moves the fisherman. For what reasons do people go angling? Who are they, these fishermen. Does angling constitute a pastime, like rambling, reading or swimming? Or is fishing a form of hunting? An ancient instinct? How does it affect one, angling, or catching a fish. Or catching none. In VISSEN the makers catch fishermen.
F.I.S.H.I.N.G is a motion picture by Pieter-Rim de Kroon and Maarten de Kroon, makers of the Gouden Kalf award-winning documentary Dutch Light .
The De Kroon brothers were once anglers themselves, in the distant past. VISSEN is a personal cinematic quest for the archetypical fisherman within ourselves. It also paints a picture of Holland on the water and by the waterside.
F.I.S.H.I.N.G is a Teledoc 2010 documentary in cooperation with AVRO Broadcasting Company, Filmfonds and CoBO-Fonds.
F.I.S.H.I.N.G in ITunes